Tuesday, September 2, 2008

(4) Mundane routine

Guess what, I just realised today was Tues.
All along I thought today was Monday. -.-"

Time passed real fast, but seriously it's like tortoise during 9am-5pm ok. I dozed off. & when I knew I was gg to lalaland, I "jump" up of my seat. Lucky the advisor in the rm din see. Yeah somehow felt damn restless despite slacking, staring at the screen when I had chunks of data right in front of me. I am not the kinda of person who love database. I love pocky more than data. Random.

Met many "new" people today. Like farah from ksm office. 1.8k per mth is like so high (to me) for a poly grad. No idea how much will I worth when I grad.

Boss had a bad day in the morning so as expected ... & some advisors. Nice & friendly peeps. Met the "uncle" ytd who was on leave and back aldy. James is really a joker. Was talking abt furthering studies. The hopes of getting into a local uni is considered gone unless miracle happens. So he say SIM is not a bad choice; RMIT. But well, cost is another factor to consider.

He say he's from ITE (It's The End). Say he's hopeless but I don't believe. HAHA!

Saw this young advisor for 2days, he resembles Shaun Chen. He needa print stuff which kinda paused me on scanning. Yes, I'm an official scanner at my workplace. Paper jams? E filing? Find Xiaowei! The best (live) scanner. =]
Not sure if I'm reading too much into it, but it just felt wooooo.

Oh ya, saw the IS guy. He works on the 13th level w some others unknown.

Pretty mundane work.
Scanning/ Data entry is just part of my life.

The next 5 and a half week gonna be;
Wake - squeeeeeeze mrt - eat - work - lunch- work - squeeeeeze mrt- home - eat -sleep

& the cycle goes on...

I hope my gpa will be above 3 this sem &
pass every single module. =) My lil' wish.

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