Tuesday, September 2, 2008

(4) Mundane routine

Guess what, I just realised today was Tues.
All along I thought today was Monday. -.-"

Time passed real fast, but seriously it's like tortoise during 9am-5pm ok. I dozed off. & when I knew I was gg to lalaland, I "jump" up of my seat. Lucky the advisor in the rm din see. Yeah somehow felt damn restless despite slacking, staring at the screen when I had chunks of data right in front of me. I am not the kinda of person who love database. I love pocky more than data. Random.

Met many "new" people today. Like farah from ksm office. 1.8k per mth is like so high (to me) for a poly grad. No idea how much will I worth when I grad.

Boss had a bad day in the morning so as expected ... & some advisors. Nice & friendly peeps. Met the "uncle" ytd who was on leave and back aldy. James is really a joker. Was talking abt furthering studies. The hopes of getting into a local uni is considered gone unless miracle happens. So he say SIM is not a bad choice; RMIT. But well, cost is another factor to consider.

He say he's from ITE (It's The End). Say he's hopeless but I don't believe. HAHA!

Saw this young advisor for 2days, he resembles Shaun Chen. He needa print stuff which kinda paused me on scanning. Yes, I'm an official scanner at my workplace. Paper jams? E filing? Find Xiaowei! The best (live) scanner. =]
Not sure if I'm reading too much into it, but it just felt wooooo.

Oh ya, saw the IS guy. He works on the 13th level w some others unknown.

Pretty mundane work.
Scanning/ Data entry is just part of my life.

The next 5 and a half week gonna be;
Wake - squeeeeeeze mrt - eat - work - lunch- work - squeeeeeze mrt- home - eat -sleep

& the cycle goes on...

I hope my gpa will be above 3 this sem &
pass every single module. =) My lil' wish.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

(3) End of week 1

Time flies and it's end of week 1 (ITP).

Got used to the lifestyle of 9-6pm already. Waking up, travelling down chinatown & back home. It became a "routine"!!!

Quite adjusted to the work I am suppose to do already. But I think I am too soft, not LOUD&crazy. Awwww. Perhaps I still warming up. It takes time. Heh!

The thought of squeezing mrt turns me off, be it going to work or going home. Only if I have a car~ Haha I got 2 cars (in hokkien) actually. OMG I really can entertain myself.

Note: Logged book to be done & submit online. What can I write? Awwww almost doing same thing everyday. Eh making use of excel, database, scan, file!~ What else? Ms brainy, tell me what can I write!!!

Sleeeeeeep early coz eyebags look awful! =DDDDD

Hope everyone will be ok and happppppy at work. =)


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

(2) Scanner or typer?

Looking at the title, I believe you can tell basically what I am (now).

I thought I was late, I reached the office at 857am. The in charge w keys came 2min later. -.- Btw, I had seat because I purposely took the train from boonlay to lakeside and back to boonlay.

My duties are same as the day before. Became a scanner and stood by the copier for an hour plus. -_-" My feet was swollen and pain. Thanks to my beautiful heels. I wonder why so many office ladies can walk around in heels with no complaints and gracefully. I am so dead when I enter the workforce. Changed into my slips coz the pain was totally unbearable.

Oh ya, licoln gave me choco milk today. =) I think I should return him something also.

Lunched alone AGAIN. =) At Mac, fillet o fish student meal. & was on phone w weishan. She got a test tml & wish her all the best!

Continue to be a typist after lunch. It's damn bored. The boss also know. He came ask me if it is bored then told me about working next time. DATABASE DATABASE. Can it be replaced? I guess not.

Farah came in to test the projector. Talked to her a lil and she told me more about herself and the job.

I was expecting Mr Tan today but he didn't come. -.-"

Q: Is working life or studying better?
What's your say? I shall update about this during the weekends! =D


How's your day (at work)?

No matter how bored it is, you have to bear with it!
No point whinning and complain because you will just hate everything and end up not gaining any X-perience from the internship. Make full use of this opportunity to learn whatever you can!

Monday, August 25, 2008

(1) Just the beginning

I was attached to so and so company.

It was my first day and so I woke up extremely early to prepare for work. Struggling with heels never fail to dampen my mood. I boarded the sardine-packed mrt alongside with many unknown strangers; office people & I reached the place freaking early! Stood for nearly 45min.

Most of the people there are Malays. There are extremely helpful in assisting me in doing my work and getting to familarise with the operations. Azean introduced us to the fellow colleagues. (us: there was another bfs guy from nyp) They were nice and friendly to us.

My scope of work include:

1. The advisor assistant; a database that contains info on clients and the advisors in charged of them

2. Scanning -.-" but it's better than photocopying. However it's bits and pieces of lil things we have to pick up along the way. How to operate fax machine, a photocopier that has multiple uses and fix paper jams. Back to scanning, it was basically to scan piles of customers' feedback and save em in memory (so they can be viewed on the computer)


My work desk is in the conference room w a lappy. Hah due to space constraint, I had no table. However it was so much cooler to have the room to myself, right.

Dr Dean, the deputy CEO talked to us. He's really a boss I will wanna have in the future. He told us his expectations and hopes for us. He say he do not want to stress us and put too much of a responsibility on us. He also shared with us his academic past and also how to excel in the future. He say we should gain some job experience before taking up degree and masters. Masters is a minimum for our generation.

He's also a fun boss who is an extreme extrovert. He welcome us to talk to him if there's anything we want to know.

I look forward to the next few weeks.. =)

except.. I lunched alone at subway while on phone w smallgreeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

Lee had dinner w me tooooooo. It was so dumb when I travelled towards outram and he came chinatown to find me. -.-"

Mood: Good