Sunday, August 31, 2008

(3) End of week 1

Time flies and it's end of week 1 (ITP).

Got used to the lifestyle of 9-6pm already. Waking up, travelling down chinatown & back home. It became a "routine"!!!

Quite adjusted to the work I am suppose to do already. But I think I am too soft, not LOUD&crazy. Awwww. Perhaps I still warming up. It takes time. Heh!

The thought of squeezing mrt turns me off, be it going to work or going home. Only if I have a car~ Haha I got 2 cars (in hokkien) actually. OMG I really can entertain myself.

Note: Logged book to be done & submit online. What can I write? Awwww almost doing same thing everyday. Eh making use of excel, database, scan, file!~ What else? Ms brainy, tell me what can I write!!!

Sleeeeeeep early coz eyebags look awful! =DDDDD

Hope everyone will be ok and happppppy at work. =)


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