Monday, August 25, 2008

(1) Just the beginning

I was attached to so and so company.

It was my first day and so I woke up extremely early to prepare for work. Struggling with heels never fail to dampen my mood. I boarded the sardine-packed mrt alongside with many unknown strangers; office people & I reached the place freaking early! Stood for nearly 45min.

Most of the people there are Malays. There are extremely helpful in assisting me in doing my work and getting to familarise with the operations. Azean introduced us to the fellow colleagues. (us: there was another bfs guy from nyp) They were nice and friendly to us.

My scope of work include:

1. The advisor assistant; a database that contains info on clients and the advisors in charged of them

2. Scanning -.-" but it's better than photocopying. However it's bits and pieces of lil things we have to pick up along the way. How to operate fax machine, a photocopier that has multiple uses and fix paper jams. Back to scanning, it was basically to scan piles of customers' feedback and save em in memory (so they can be viewed on the computer)


My work desk is in the conference room w a lappy. Hah due to space constraint, I had no table. However it was so much cooler to have the room to myself, right.

Dr Dean, the deputy CEO talked to us. He's really a boss I will wanna have in the future. He told us his expectations and hopes for us. He say he do not want to stress us and put too much of a responsibility on us. He also shared with us his academic past and also how to excel in the future. He say we should gain some job experience before taking up degree and masters. Masters is a minimum for our generation.

He's also a fun boss who is an extreme extrovert. He welcome us to talk to him if there's anything we want to know.

I look forward to the next few weeks.. =)

except.. I lunched alone at subway while on phone w smallgreeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

Lee had dinner w me tooooooo. It was so dumb when I travelled towards outram and he came chinatown to find me. -.-"

Mood: Good

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